complex POST GET problem<


i know the traditional way of a Post and a GET

i wrote this in a for loop :

echo "<input type = \"tekst\" name = \"$vraag\" value = \"$array[$i]\" ><FONT FACE=\"verdana\" SIZE=\"1\" COLOR=\"white\"> $array[$i] $teller";
echo '<br>';

how can i get the values in the next file?
i mean ALL the values because it is in a for loop.

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i have changed the extensions from php to txt

vraag.txt --> this is a form where all questions and answers are shown.

and when i submit it i want to get all the values that have been checked in the next file so i can insert them properly

i know it's much to ask but it's a very complex code, and very long.

the inc.php is the most important file!!
i put variables in value"$variable"
and i need to catch them in the other file

toevoegen.php is an attempt to get the values but i doesn't work.

thx for reading
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="'m">'m</a><!-- m --> not that familiar with PHP, I use PERL/CGI but you should have a library file that has a parse function to recieve your form data or query_string, also if you are passing a lot of data use the POST method instead of GET as POST will hold more data... jaeman;)when you post that form it will automatically send all the values in that form.put in a hidden type to hold the number of questions ($i).

Name all the question inputs with similar name, but index them (eg, Question_1, Question_2)

Make sure they are all in a form with a POST method.

In the next page, simply set up a for_loop to read in the form values:

for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['number_of_q']; $i++)
$answer[$i] = $_POST['Question_'. $i];
it works now!