Complete ASP.NET newbie with a problem


Staff member
Hi All

I'm completely new to ASP.NET, but i have been using classic ASP for years. Just upgraded to Dreamweaver 8 and thought this would be a good time to change. I was going throught the Articles on setting up Datasets and data grids and they all tested fine. BUT when I view the page sin a browser all I get is the code displayed in the window!.
I just KNOW I'm missing something "REALLY SIMPLE" but fundamental. :eek:

Can anybody point me in the right direction. Once I get started I'll be OK with this. :(

Thanx in advance

BobAre you using IIS and have you installed the .Net Framework? Unlike HTML pages with no server support, you cannot just save the file anywhere on your disk drive and expect it to run in your browser. You must save your file to a website defined by IIS and then surf to it from your browser (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost/mysite/myfile.aspx">http://localhost/mysite/myfile.aspx</a><!-- m -->).

If you are saving to an IIS website, did you give the file the ".aspx" extension and not ".html"?Did you install IIS or ASP.NET first? Cause depending on which one could be the source of the problem.

To expand on what Cstick said, you need to go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot and put yuour files in there. If you dont like that, all you need to do is right click a folder, go to web sharing and then share that. whatever alias you choose then goes into your url.Did you install IIS or ASP.NET first? Cause depending on which one could be the source of the problem.

To expand on what Cstick said, you need to go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot and put yuour files in there. If you dont like that, all you need to do is right click a folder, go to web sharing and then share that. whatever alias you choose then goes into your url.

I dont think thats the problem hes having. I think the problem he is having is, his IIS is not setup with, thus, it is not acting as a web server to render files.

Go to CMD,

and go to,

C:\windows\\framework\v1.1.xxxx\aspnet_regiis -i

This will register to IIS (it doesnt matter if you install iis first or first, as long as you run that command, it will register to iis)

and then go with what CStick said, but i am sure you know, b/c asp requires running thru the server as well anyway..

-takC:\windows\\framework\v1.1.xxxx\aspnet_regiis -i
Thats your solution for everything lately (jk)yea, i noticed that too. all the threads that i replied, i always give the regiis thing..

