compiling VB


New Member
Hi everybody, I try to compile with this string in MS-DOS (i go in .vb file's directory and I write down this): <BR>vbc /t:library /out:..inCustomControls.dll /r:System.dll /r:System.Web.dll CustomControl1.vb <BR><BR>Unluckly what I get is this output: <BR><BR>Microsoft (R) Visual Basic .NET Compiler version 7.00.9466 <BR>for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.00.3705 <BR>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1987-2001. All rights reserved. <BR><BR>vbc : Errore nella riga di comando BC2012 : impossibile aprire "..inCustomControls.dll" per la scrittura. <BR><BR>[English traslation: <BR>vbc : Error in writing this command row BC2012 : impossible to open "..inCustomControls.dll" in order to write. ]<BR><BR>----------- <BR>Does anyone know why does it works in this way and what should I do (or I shouldn't) in order to compile my CustomControl1.vb file? <BR>I have to tell you that CustomControl1.vb file is in my computer in<BR><BR>Hoping you've a nice day (and make my day nice too :)) I give you my reguards!if u have visual installed , then you cannot use that to compile ur vb program. Must using visual studio to compile it.<BR><BR>good luck.