Compiling Expatpp ??


New Member
Hi !

I'm trying to compile expatpp in order to use the same functions as in the testexpatpp2.cpp example file. But it happens that there's some trouble with the OOfile library.
Here is the command line i'm using to compile :
g++ testexpatpp2.cpp ../src_pp/expatpp.o -o testexpatpp2 -I/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/expat/xmlparse/ -I/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/src_pp/ -I/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/ -lexpat

Just to say, the other examples testexpat.c and testexpatpp.cpp are working so the problem is coming from -I/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/ -lexpat

Here is the error i'm getting :
g++ testexpatpp2.cpp ../src_pp/expatpp.o -o testexpatpp2 -I/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/expat/xmlparse/ -I/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/src_pp/ -I/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/ -lexpat
In file included from /home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oof0.h:244,
from /home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofstr.h:13,
from /home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofxml.h:11,
from testexpatpp2.cpp:15:
/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofbool.h:61: error: redeclaration
of C++ built-in type `bool'
/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofbool.h:62: error: parse
error before `false'
/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofbool.h:63: error: parse
error before `true'
In file included from /usr/include/c++/3.3/backward/iostream.h:31,
from /home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofios.h:59,
from /home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofstr.h:19,
from /home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofxml.h:11,
from testexpatpp2.cpp:15:
/usr/include/c++/3.3/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or <sstream> instead of the deprecated header <strstream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.
In file included from /home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofstr.h:19,
from /home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofxml.h:11,
from testexpatpp2.cpp:15:
/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofios.h:71:55: strstream.h: No such file or directory
/home/.../XML/src/expatpp/oofileBits/oofios.h:75:56: io.h: No such file or directory

As far as i understand what's going on it seems that the config has not been well done, if not it won't try to redefine bool like this !
So my question is : what can i do to make it work !

Help !

Merci de votre attention