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When trying to compile the file hello.cs:<BR><BR>Using System ;<BR> Class Hello {<BR> Public static void Main () {<BR> Console.writeLine ("Hello C#"); <BR> } <BR> } //end of the main<BR><BR><BR>I get the following error:<BR><BR>hello.cs(1,1): error CS0116: A namespace does not directly contain members such as fields or methods<BR>Your syntax is off. c# is a case sensitive language so it wasn't liking how you were defining terms. The following compiles correctly:<BR><BR>using System;<BR><BR>class Hello{<BR> public static void Main (){<BR> Console.WriteLine ("Hello C#");<BR> }<BR>} //end of the mainThanks mark,<BR>I actually took that code from a tutorial off some site.