

How do I figure out what browser is suitable to veiw my site? And how do I tell viewers about other things they need? Like if my site needs cookies turned on, or needs some things Download <!--more-->ed to view stuff? Where is there a place where I can check all this stuff to show my viewers about optimising their stay at my site?<!--content-->best way to tell is to Download <!--more--> a browser. there are also several browser compatibility charts available at a multitude of web design sites.<br />
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most of your viewers have IE5+. maybe 2% have NN4.7, and perhaps 6-8% will be using NN6, or the NN7 beta. oddly, MOST people are pretty good at keeping their browsers up-to-date, but about 10-15% are still using tech that's older than one year. keep this in mind. (i don't, for my own reasons.)<br />
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as for cookies, that depends on if you have proactively SET any. or if your host adds code that sets cookies. (best way to know: check your source code from the web to see.)<br />
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other plugins? have you placed any Flash on your site? do you use graphics other than the standard GIF, JPEG, or BMP? what about sounds?<br />
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assume that most people can view PNG graphics, but that 10% can not. then assume that the 90% that can, are going to have varied experiences, unless you use the most basic version with either sero or one level of alpha transparency.<br />
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assume that 95%+ of your users have Flash installed.<br />
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assume that 95% can play basic midi files, WAV files, and mp3 files. most will be using WinAmp or Windows Media Player.<br />
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assume that anything else is not installed.<!--content-->I was looking for more of a site that can tell you what are the oldest versions of software that still can properly display my site. See, I know I can do what you just told me, but that would be too much of a hassel and I like computer data not possibly wrong data from my brain.<br />
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1.) Internet Explorer<br />
2.) Netscape<br />
3.) Flash<br />
4.) Etc..........<!--content-->I havet come across a site that will check your site with different versions of browsers for you. If your code is valid then it will more than likely look good in IE5+, Opera6+, Mozilla and the latest version of Netscape. <br />
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If you want Lynx then you would have to look at creating a text only version of your site ie... no graphics at all.<br />
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If you wanted a site to check the compatability of all these things for you then it would cost you... or you could just ask here or on other forums!<!--content-->not sure if i understand... you mean like an HTML validator type thing? something that will look at your site? or you want a browser compatibility comparison chart?<!--content--><!--content-->Originally posted by creative666 <br />
I havet come across a site that will check your site with different versions of browsers for you. If your code is valid then it will more than likely look good in IE5+, Opera6+, Mozilla and the latest version of Netscape. <br />
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If you want Lynx then you would have to look at creating a text only version of your site ie... no graphics at all.<br />
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If you wanted a site to check the compatability of all these things for you then it would cost you... or you could just ask here or on other forums! <br />
EXACTLY. you're getting into murky waters when you attempt to make a fully cross-platform, cross-browser compatible site. best to use your eyes and the eyes of people who have platforms/browsers you may not be running.<!--content-->You could use Request.ServerVariables and track which browsers are used most often when people come to your site.<br />
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For more info:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ob5vsj.asp</a><!-- m --><!--content-->No no no mans! I'm asking what software people need to view my site, not what is commonly used. So with that information, I can put it on my site so people can view my site better.<!--content-->You want us to tell you what people need to view your site?<br />
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You should already know that, you have a flash banner, so tell them to have the latest flash plugin and provide them with a link to Download <!--more--> it from macromedia.<br />
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Tell them what screen resolution you would prefere them to use, and what broswer would be best and version number.<!--content-->Yes, anyone can go through their site and look at what people need to view it. I don't want to do that, since I might skip something. And I don't know what browser is compatible with my html.<!--content-->unless you're doing something funky like Iframes with your code, just assume that it'll be fine.<br />
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unless you're inserting weird objects like Java stuff, just assume that it'll be fine.<br />
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unless you're calling up content with bizarre extensions, such as .ART or .OGG, just assume that it'll be fine.<br />
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they will need an HTML4.0+ compatible browser which can display basic images, and the Flash plug-in.<br />
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plus an operating system, a modem, and an account with an ISP.<!--content-->Is there a Netscape or Microsoft website that tells what each browser can do?<br />
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What about the colors I use on my site? I use some of those new-age colors that wasn't in the hexadecimal charts if you go back a few years.<!--content-->1) that's what the browser comparison charts are for... the link i posted above is a google query with some good tables telling what all kinds of browsers (on various platforms) can do.<br />
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2) use the 216-colour web-safe pallette:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
~or~<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... olors.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->...and for the love of all that is good, stay away from Styx!! :P<!--content-->rjlstar,<br />
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All you need to do is place a simple statement on your website saying:<br />
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"This is site best viewed with [Internet Bbrowser & Version you use to test your site with here] and a screen resolution of [What yours is set at]."<br />
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And you're good to go. If you really want to know what your page looks like in other browsers, install them and use test your site in them as well.<br />
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Currently I test with MSIE 6, NS 6 & 4.8, Mozilla, and Opera. It didn't take too long to determine what worked in all of the browsers, and of course very little works with NS 4.x so I just use it to get a good laugh.<!--content-->Originally posted by marion <br />
...of course very little works with NS 4.x so I just use it to get a good laugh. no kidding! i used to throw my hands up in despair... now i throw my hands up in great fits of hearty laughter.<!--content-->