I have the 2 following tables: Country and PostalI retrive all the countries in a DropDownAddCountry and i wan't by doing that to display all the postals belonging to the country in another dropdown (DropDownAddPostals).The country table have a coulmn CountryID and postal also have a coulm CountryID. So i wan't the result to be based on match between CountryID and CountryID (from both tables):My code look like this now (and it's not correct):\[code\]using (DB_Entities tt = new DB_Entities()){ var sql = from q1 in tt.Country join q2 in tt.Postal on q1.CountryID equals q2.CountryID select new { q2.Postal1 }; if(sql != null) { DropDownAddPostal= sql.Postal1; }}\[/code\]Cheers