New Member
I have two tables table1 = records, table2 = duplicates. Both tables contain a variable number of columns at any given time and they both contain the exact same columns with the exception of table2 having and additional "ID" column... Both tables contain a column, "user_id". The data comes from a CSV import. If the "user_id" already exists in table1 it is inserted into table2.With table2 I need to be able to grab all the rows and print them out in a table, no problem. The part I'm having a hard time figuring out... For each column in table2 that gets printed I need to check if the data matches(based on the "user_id") the data in table1 and somehow flag it... (maybe a different color background on the table cell)Example:table1 contains the row:\[code\]user_id | user_name-------------------2342342 | some name\[/code\]and table2:\[code\]user_id | user_name-------------------2342342 | different name\[/code\]then the output would be:\[code\]-----------------------------------------|2342342 | *flag* different name *flag* |-----------------------------------------\[/code\]I'm sure I just confused you... If not... Any idea as to how I could make this work? If it helps any, I'm building this app with Codeigniter.Thanks so much!