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I'm trying to compare a string (network ID) and using a SQL Like command, return the numbers of rows affected (if the user name was found or not) however in my code I'm always getting " -1 " which i can not find why, the username is correct and found in the SQL table by running a query in SQL Server Mgt.\[code\]Try Dim Con As New SqlConnection Con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=WCRDUSMJEMPR9\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MicroDB;Integrated Security=True" Con.Open() Dim SQL2 As String SQL2 = "SELECT * from MicroDB_Users WHERE Users LIKE '+@Usercheck+'" Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand(SQL2, Con) cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Usercheck", TextBox1.Text) Dim obj2 = cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery Con.Close() If obj2 > 0 Then MsgBox(obj2) Response.Redirect("~\ControlCharts\AddData_Control.aspx") Label7_Control.Visible = False Else MsgBox(obj2) Label7_Control.Text = ("You are not authorized to Add Data") Label7_Control.Visible = True End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(Err.Description)\[/code\]As you can see, i;m using a IF to compare if the user was found ( 1 row affected) or if it was not found ( 0 rows affected).