I have two \[code\]List<String[]>\[/code\]'s (string array lists), and I'd like to match the contents with each other with some condition so final result will return true of false.\[code\]List<string> TestA= {"A001","A002","A003","B001","B001","C003","D000","E001"};List<string> TestB= {"A001","A002","A003","B999","C003"};\[/code\]i would like to write a function for below condition.[*]if All the items of TestA match with TestB (In TestA same item can be multiple times [ex. B001]) ==> return true[*]if TestB conatins any item having digit 999 [Ex B999] then no need to loop for items start with B in testA (this set bool true) and loop of TestA start from C003 [in this case i think we need to remove all Items of B from ListA if ListB conats B999].Continue..so loop run for TestA item C003. this matched with item in TestB again set trueNow for D000 not match item in ListB now finally bool set to false and break.