Hello All,<BR><BR>Till the end of last year we were expecting the release of new versions of ASP and VB from Microsoft, namely ASP+ and VB 7.0. But by the middle of this year I started hearing about the release of ASP.NET and VB.NET. <BR>Please let me know whether the ASP+ and ASP.NET (VB 7.0 and VB.NET) is one and the same. Kindly include the new features included in the new versions of ASP and VB comparing to the old version.<BR><BR>Thanking you,<BR><BR>Jojo JacobFirst of all .. to address your last point you should get WROX's 'Professional ASP.NET' book because there is so much that has changed that you will need a book to relate it all.<BR><BR>About ASP+ ... the name has now been changed to ASP.NET. They refer to the same technology. VB7 or VB.NET is now called Visual Basic .NET. This is the latest version of Visual Basic and you will find that this is the largest change to Visual Basic that has ever taken place. Even bigger than it was from VB3 to VB4.<BR><BR>About ASP.NET ... probably the biggest change is that VBScript is no more and in place of that you will use a full-blown language of your choice (Visual Basic .NET, C#, JScript.NET or C++.NET).<BR><BR>Hope that helps.<BR><BR>Bill Evjen<BR>St. Louis .NET User Group<BR>http://www.stlnet.org/As far as books go, you may wish to start out with Chris Payne's excellent:<BR><BR>Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days<BR>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672321688/4guysfromrollaco<BR><BR>It goes through the underpinnings of .NET, how ASP.NET fits in, what's new in VB.NET, what ramifications this would have for classic ASP developers, etc. Highly recommended.First hand testimony about the book that Scott recommended...<BR><BR>I have it, and it is an excellent introduction. Well worth it.Thanks a lot to all who responded to my query<BR><BR>