common tables in web


I am trying to help someone with getting their site online and have found he loves to use single cell tables for placing everything on his page. This includes his nav bars. Within the cell he uses extra spaces so it is set just how he wants it. He is determined to keep it that way even if it makes the files so long. <br />
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So I am hoping that someone may know how I can insert these tables to the different pages a little easier. Maybe a java script that will add the same table to the same places on the linked pages? Or some how done using a css for the completed table? Is there any other way than to have to created a css for the positioning of the nav bars?<!--content-->if the server he is using supports the server-side include<br />
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<!--#include file="file.txt" --><br />
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save just the table and all it's contents to a .txt file<br />
and place <!--#include file="file.txt" --> on the HTML documents where the table go.<br />
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if the server doesn't that try using frames.<br />
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i personally would switch out the table and go with divs.<br />
large tables can take a long time to render.<!--content-->