Command Links


I read the following and thought I'd try it on my site: <br />
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"You will be able to keep vistors at your site by using the new command on links that go outside of your domain. The way to do this is by simply adding target="newpage" inside of the html section of your links. Below is an example."<br />
<A HREF=""target="newpage"><br />
<br />
I don't know much about html but I thought I'd give it a try on one of my webpages that had a link to another site. It didn't work and now instead of my plain link I have the normal link with some gobbledy gook behind it. Does anybody know how I can get this back to normal. I tried relinking it but nothing changed. This problem is on the second page of my website: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
Thanks Sharon<!--content-->Welcome to the forums.<br />
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I've moved this thread to our HTML category, where it more appropiately fits.<br />
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Your current code is below:<br />
<br />
<A HREF= TARGET="_parent"><B><FONT class="Helvetica16" FACE="Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow" SIZE="3"></FONT></B></A><A HREF=<A HREF=""target="newpage"> TARGET="_parent"><B><FONT class="Helvetica16" FACE="Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow" SIZE="3"> </FONT></B></A><br />
<br />
It has several fundamental problems. By replacing this entire block below, you should clear up your problems:<br />
<br />
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><B><FONT class="Helvetica16" FACE="Arial, Helvetica, adobe-helvetica, Arial Narrow" SIZE="3"></FONT></B></A><br />
<br />
What I did was delete a partial second hyperlink which had several errors, and add the target="_blank" command to your working link (the target="_parent" attribute that you already had there was opening the link in your top most frameset of the current window. I also deleted some superfluous code at the end that wasn't doing anything.<br />
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Hope this helps! If you have further questions, why not register and join the community :D<!--content-->Thanks Jason, for your reply. I realized after I posted that I was in the wrong place. Sorry about that. I will register but I'm just a little blurry eyed right now so think I'll call it a night. <br />
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P.S. I'll try to get that link fixed in the morning with your post to help me.<br />
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Thanks again.<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->Good Morning,<br />
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I guess it's pretty obvious by now that I don't know a whole lot about html. <br />
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Anyway, I must be doing something wrong because when I try to paste the correct code that you gave me into the URL box on the "Edit Link" page only a portion will paste in. <br />
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So now what shows up on my website is this:<br />
TARGET="_parent"> . For some reason, when I click on that in my site, it links back to "Homestead" instead of "Nutrition for Life".<br />
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I wouldn't be such a nuisance, but I currently have an ad running and my link doesn't work. :(<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->I still have the strange stuff before and after my link but THE LINK DOES WORK NOW AND GOES WHERE IT IS SUPPOSED TO GO! :) I don't need to waste another hour on this little project so I am going to play it safe and LEAVE IT AT THAT! Enough of this aggravation!<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->Sharon,<br />
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"URL Box" -- are you using some kind of editor to modify your pages? If so, which one?<!--content-->Hello Jason!! Hello World!!<br />
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How about that!!! I got rid of the "before" and "after" stuff and am back to the ORIGINAL link and IT WORKS! Don't ask me what I did differently - nothing that I know of - it just worked like it was supposed to this time. "Homestead" seems to have a mind of its own at times. I've heard "Sitebuilder" is good. I may give that a try next time.<br />
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P.S I found this forum last night when I was looking for a freebie to add to my site to attract traffic. Does anyone know of a good one I could offer related to travel? Thanks.<br />
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And thanks to you Jason for putting up with my rantings. Computers do that to me sometimes.:)<br />
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Sharon<br />
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P.P.S. In answer to your question which I almost forgot in my excitement, all I was using to modify my site was the "edit" feature on "Homestead".<!--content-->Greeting cards are somewhat travel related, it could be a good place to start. There are several services that allow you to set up a co-branded greeting card site that your visitors can use, at no cost to you. You can find some of these services listed here:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ing_Cards/</a><!-- m --><br />
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Thinking forward, you might want to try to encourage community, offers the ability to offer e-mail accounts, and message boards to help you make your site more sticky.<br />
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Hey, thinking of message boards, I've found something neat on this one:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
It's the registration link :angel:<br />
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Thought you might want to open up an account and stick around for a while (you're sure to learn lots to help grow your business). I look forward to seeing you around :D<!--content-->Thanks Jason for the "freebie" info. I will check those out.<br />
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P.S. I do intend to stick around but when I clicked on the registration link all I got was a blank page with a banner at the top.<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->I just checked in IE and it works ok, however then I loaded Netscape, and sure enough, it didn't work. Thanks for reporting the problem (we've just gone through a design change and we're still finding some quirks). If you have a copy of IE, you should be able to register ok with it, otherwise, we should have this issue banged out by tonight.<!--content-->Jason,<br />
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You were right. The link worked with IE so I am now REGISTERED! If my sig file is too long, let me know and I'll delete some of it.<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->Hi Sharon,<br />
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Thanks for finally registering, sorry for the difficulties (those Netscape issues should finally be cleared up now). In truth, that sig is a bit lenghty, I've streamlined it a bit for you:<br />
<br />
learn how to earn extra income (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
Sleep better, naturally! (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
Take a luxury vacation! (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
<br />
I also made the links active using the vbulletin code, you can find out how it's done here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Cheers!<br />
:cheers:<!--content-->Thanks for streamlining my sig file and making the links active. I like the shorter version much better! Checked out the vbulletin code link you provided and it looks pretty easy to do. Thanks again.<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->Jason,<br />
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I thought I had followed the directions regarding hyperlinking using vB Codes:<br />
<br />
So...why does the vB code show up in my signature and not in the one that you streamlined for me? Thanks.<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->Hi Sharon, <br />
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I'll post the actual code for you so you can just copy and paste it. When doing so though, make sure you replace this < with this [ and this > with this ]<br />
<br />
<url=>Llearn how to earn extra income!</url><br />
<url=>Sleep better, naturally!</url><br />
<url=>Take a luxury vacation!</url><br />
<br />
Let me know if it all works out ok.<!--content-->Jason,<br />
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I replaced < with [ and > with ] and this is how it worked out. :(<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->Shanon,<br />
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The < charcters are still present in your sig. Make sure every <url is replaced with these [url. Also make sure to get the closing characters.<!--content-->There we go. Finally!<br />
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Sharon<!--content-->Looks great :)<!--content-->