Comma Space Deliminated


Hello - <br />
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I need to create a web form on a website that when you hit "sumbit", the result will be emailed to me in a "comma-space deliminated" format so it can be copy & pasted into an Access database.<br />
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Is that possible?<br />
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- Thanks<!--content-->"comma-space deliminated" sounds like it could be a serious problem for the International Space Station. ;-)<br />
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I think what you MEAN is "comma separated values" AKA CSV. A form can be given an enctype, which is normally form/url-encoded but that can be fiddled with. text/plain is often used for mailto: actions, e.g. Unfortunately there is no MIME type for CSV but you could try "tab-separated-values" by setting the enctype="text/tab-separated-values" but I rather doubt it will work.<br />
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Otherwise you have to have a direct form handler on the server and not use the mailto: action.<!--content-->The CSV stuff (thank you very much!) is all new to me. What's a direct form handler all about? I've only done very simple forms using the mail to: handler. And by the way, I know next to nothing about database administration.<br />
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I'd appreciate your insight.<!--content-->What I meant by "direct form handler" is some software you would have to write to run on the server. It would be called by the web server to process the submitted form. Sounds like that's not an option.<!--content-->I've done some research. I need to use a script in my cgi bin instead of the that I'm presently using. The html coding on the form itself is a little different I understand, but that's ok - it's all a learning process.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->Excellent. Looks like you've got the resources you need.<!--content-->