Combining scripts


Staff member
Hello all, just joined today. Looks like a great place for info.

Got a little problem. I have 2 separate scripts (view source) that I'd like to combine but all my trial and error doesn't avail. Please check out the link and advise how I can get the absolute chromeless window to do the peeker "function". No matter what I try, I can't invoke the frameless/chromeless into the peeker (without the title or border or anything). I tried combining with onload and it just does the 2 actions separately.

Link - example.htm (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)

The "peeker" should launch onload and the window I want to actually peek is the chromeless one (the links for the example).

I can't get the "close window" to work either, but that's another story. Hopefully, I'll figure that out later. Thanks for any insight and I hope you understand what I would like.