combining multiple XML files that have same root element into one single XML file


New Member
Can someone tell me how to combine these 4 XML files into one single file?Actually each file defines constraints imposed on the same root element called name.I want to actually combine all the constraints for the name element into one single
file. Basically the rules/constraints for the name element should be defined as one whole unit (i.e one file defining all the constraints together).
  • File1.xml\[code\]<name use="L"> <prefix qualifier="AC">Dr.</prefix><given>Margaret</given> <given>Ross</given> <family>Ellen</family> </name> \[/code\]
  • File2.xml\[code\]<name use="P"> <given qualifier="CL">Meg</given> <family>Ellen</family> </name> \[/code\]
  • File3.xml\[code\]<name use="P"> <given>Margaret</given> <given qualifier="BR">Josephine</given> <family qualifier ="BR">Ross</family> </name> \[/code\]
  • File4.xml\[code\]<name use="P"> <prefix use="AC">Dr.</prefix> <given>Margaret</given> <given>Josephine</given> <family qualifier="BR">Ross</family> </name>\[/code\]