Combining multiple elements into one html


New Member
I'm currently setting up an app that uses multiple WebViews to show different parts of an html file.I'm using Jsoup to connect to a URL and get() the webpage for me. Then I have set up an element that gets part of that webpage for me so that I can convert it into a string using Element.html(). Once I do that, everything is fine and displays appropriately.What I need is to create another Element that turns all links(a href="") to absolute URLs. I know how to get the absolute URL, but how do I combine it with the Element.html()?Here's some code:\[code\]Document doc;String css = "css stuff here/This gets cleaned up later"; try { doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get(); newsSlider ="").get(getIndex); Elements links ="a"); String onTouchLink = links.absUrl("href"); String string = css + newsSlider;\[/code\]