New Member
I'm currently setting up an app that uses multiple WebViews to show different parts of an html file.I'm using Jsoup to connect to a URL and get() the webpage for me. Then I have set up an element that gets part of that webpage for me so that I can convert it into a string using Element.html(). Once I do that, everything is fine and displays appropriately.What I need is to create another Element that turns all links(a href="") to absolute URLs. I know how to get the absolute URL, but how do I combine it with the Element.html()?Here's some code:\[code\]Document doc;String css = "css stuff here/This gets cleaned up later"; try { doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get(); newsSlider = doc.select("div.bt-inner").get(getIndex); Elements links = newsSlider.select("a"); String onTouchLink = links.absUrl("href"); String string = css + newsSlider;\[/code\]