Combine Multiple HTML into one


Dear all,<br />
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I have numbers of HTMLs, and I would like to create a combined version which contains all of them. As I don't want to update both source (the individual pages and the combined page), is there any way I can do that the browser only generated the combined page when the page was accessed. It is a stand-alone without server side stuff.<br />
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Thanks<br />
SF<!--content-->Dave,<br />
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Thanks for your hint. As I also want to print all the HTMLs at once, I guess I need to merge the HTMs into one before I can do it, is that true? Is there any Java script can do the job like the <include> function of ASP as I don't have connection to server.<br />
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Thanks <br />
SF<!--content-->You might put each HTML in its own folder in the same directory, so each index page doesn't have any conflicts with eachother. Make a contents page for them, and make an index for all the pages, like you would do a book. <br />
Now don't get confused remembering where all the pages belong with names the same. Good luck.<!--content-->