COM object developed in VB 6.0 using with .NET


I have a COM object (DLL) which is created in VB6.0 which has crystal reports. We use the DLL in our ASP.NET application.

I had edited some crsytal reports and made a new DLL and tried to reference it in the .NET application. But I am receving this error which says

"COM object with CLSID {EC4B838A-A61F-4815-B234-B4A2B8D17BA6} is either not valid or not registered"

AssemblyInfo.vb file has a differnet GUID than above
<Assembly: Guid("C0F9AB5F-58BD-41C2-8EB3-772BF2E86BB2")>
I am not sure if these are related.

I even tried to add the DLL into Assembly Cache. When I tried to add it I get a prompt saying "The file must be an assembly".

Any one please help me. Thanks so much.

dkr0001Not sure if this would help: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

EricI looked at that article before but I am not using a VBA.Collection here.Only other thing is are you adding it as a reference into your project. Other than that I have no clue.

You probably want to ask this question on the forums over on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> since I am the only one that normally answers the questions here and I have no clue!

EricI am referencing it. Thanks for your help.have you registered it ? ie regsvr32 mydll.dll

goto cmd, type in regsvr32 FULLPATHTODLL, so your best off going to the directory your dll is situated, then running regsvr32 mydll.dll rather then having to try and type in the whole path.
