New Member
If this is a stupid question, forgive me, I've just begun evaluating .Net. I have a handful of COM Objects in my current website and was wondering what relationship is intended for COM and ASP.Net. Will it still be standard to build objects as DLLs in VB.Net for use in aspx pages, or were web services designed to replace COM objects entirely. I'm not worried about compatibility between .Net and my old COM objects, I'm just wondering how to go about developing new objects for ASP.Net. Thanks for any advice.COM in ASP.Net is more powerfull now.<BR><BR>All what you have to do is:<BR><BR>1- add a Class Library Project and Build uo your class but first you have to import all class Libraries required for your case such as<BR>Imports system<BR>Imports<BR>Imports,sqlclient -if you connect to Sql server in <BR>your com<BR>Imports system.xml - If you use dataset in your com<BR>In this case, when you call the come from any aspx page you have to use the namespace of the class library project ex: Classlibrary1."the name of your Class"<BR><BR>2- Or you can create a .vb file in your current project<BR>to call it use the name of your current project as a namespace<BR>ex: webapplicatopn1."name of your class inside the .vb file"<BR><BR>3- or you can use vbc.exe utility to compile the com to a valid dll using command prompt.<BR><BR>What you have to know is that there is no need to register components in the production server as all your dll are stored compiled in the bin folder which will be copied to the production server whenever you deploy your application<BR><BR>Isn't a revolution?!