colours buggerd


Staff member
I've built a site with a logo, which has a dark navy blue background. It is not a standard web colur. I've managed to duplicate the colour as I had to make some table backgrounds the same colour.<br />
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My client is viewing the page in New York, and she reckons the background of the table, is different to the background of the logo, yet they appear the same on my screen <br />
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Has anyone else experienced this sort of problem? <br />
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Nippi<!--content-->Altho close, they are different, its best to with Web Safe colors, for both of the Blues.<!--content-->Yep, unless you go with web safe colors there is no sure way of ensuring that it displays correctly for everyone. If possible, you will have to change the colors in the logo to match a websafe color that you can use for your table background.<!--content-->hmmmm....the logo is not so much different than the background, try re-creating the logo and save it in gif format and see if you can match the colors better. JPG format can alter colors a little bit. Even at high color depth I can see a small difference so I think its probably the JPG formatting that is causing the color mis-match.<br />
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The grammer in the top image is not correct, I think it should be "and parents need an extra....." not "and parents need and extra....."<br />
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Nicely done website....<br />
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Regards,<br />
kevin<!--content-->Well IMHO only . . .<br />
I actually prefer the colour scheme u use here. (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... s_high.asp</a><!-- m -->)<br />
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Just my pennie's worth :)<br />
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