

New Member
hey guys im wondering on how do i set colors for groups??? like a red color 4 the admid and yellow for the modz and so on???thanks in advance to any one that can help me out oh and im running 3.8.0
go to Admincp>Usergroups>Usergroup Manager>

-edit the usergroup you want to change color, in there you have this:
Username HTML markup, in first section put: <font color="Red"><b>
in the other: </b></font>

for each usergroup do the same thing but with other color,

you may put the colors in HTML code like: #53c720
example: for the word red you may put the html code witch is #FF0000
if you dont know the codes for colors, just google the "HTML colors code"

I use the css extra box for each style and color my usergroups there. Then in usergroup manager add the css name such as .admin

This way I can use different color codes for my usergroups with different styles, skins.
choose style > additional css box.
color: blue;
font-weight: bold;


In usergroup manager for admin

<span class="admin"></span>