Colored Text Fields in Forms


I have visited several web sites that contain forms, and their form fields that allow text have a colored shadow inside of them and/or colored border around them. I have checked the source code to see how this is done, but the codes are hidden in linked style sheets that I cannot view.<br />
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Does ANYONE know where I can find the codes/scripts for these enhancements?<!--content-->Wow! Thanks, Dave!<br />
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Actually, I posted this same question in another area and received another good suggestion, as well. But this is a lot easier, to be honest.<br />
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I was previously able to access the stylesheet the way you suggested, and I found that the text field's shadow was actually a background image, which I was not aware you could do with an input field. But this inline code that you provided will work fine... even better. Muchos gracias, David!<!--content-->Yet another great resource! Thanks again, Dave!<br />
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By the way, I was out of the world of web design for several months and recently started getting back into the habit of checking for updates every chance I get. Considering the way web design changes on a daily basis, imagine my surprise when I jumped back into it and found that almost everything I had learned over the previous year had been replaced with newer and better methods. <br />
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You will most likely see many questions posted by yours truly. Things are changing faster than I can keep up, and I sincerely appreciate any help I can get.<!--content-->Watch it when looking at MS resources for how to do things. They are mixing a lot of proprietary crap with correct code and this will make your page break in other browsers.<br />
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The link I gave you in the other thread is the one that shows how it should really be done. :)<!--content-->Thanks, Stefan. I don't rely on MS to learn anything about web development. I usually go to more serious web sites like Webmonkey and, or I buy books from Amazon or Borders. I subscribe to a few online newsletters, as well as printed materials for the latest and greatest hints and how-to's. I am also a member of the IWA, so there are on-line classes available to me at pretty good prices. I will keep this in mind though, and your link is in my favorites! Thanks for the insight!<!--content-->