codeigniter sidebar problem


New Member
i want to pass some data to my sidebar but i dont know how to do it best practice,i have a template file like this:\[code\]<?php$this->load->view('include/header');$this->load->view($main_content);$this->load->view('include/footer');?>\[/code\]i make a helper file like this: \[code\]<?php //Getting all the Reviews and put them on the includes/header.php function sidebar() { //Get the instance of the framework $CI=& get_instance(); //Getting data from sidebarModel $CI->load->model('sidebar_model'); $sidebarData =$CI->sidebar_model->getSidebarReviews(); return $sidebarData; }\[/code\]and then i think i need to go to my header.php file and do something there to get the data out in a foreach, but i dont know how.hope some one can help me outbest regards Sim