Codeigniter hiding function name BUT keeping functionality


New Member
I have a site with a default controller "home." There is a login form on the home page, and pressing the login button calls the function 'validate_credentials()', a function in the home controller.When a user fails to enter correct login info, from within the validate_credentials function I call:\[code\]$this->index()\[/code\]Which basically reloads the homepage, and fills in the email address form with the previous info. I would call\[code\]redirect('home');\[/code\]but then I cant pre-fill the email address form unless I create a session variable.After a user enters incorrect info, the url reads:http :// just want:http :// even:http :// using routes\[code\]$route['home'] = 'home/validate_credentials';\[/code\]It actually changes the functions being called. I just want to change the url. Is this possible?