CodeIgniter form submit redirects to localhost


New Member
I have a CodeIgniter project with a very simple test application.Controller opens a view (PHP page) which has a text box and a submit button.When I press the submit button, instead of redirecting to the appropriate function call in the controller, I get redirected to localhost/'s the code on my view, which SHOULD be redirecting to the save_genre function in the controller named "welcome".\[code\]<?php echo form_open('welcome/save_genre');?><label for="radio_genre">Radio Genre</label><input type="text" name="radio_genre" id="radio_genre"></input><?php echo form_submit('submit','Save'); ?></form>\[/code\]any ideas what could be wrong? I think it's not the code but is a setting or file wrong somewhere, but i don't know where to start looking.EDIT:[*]I had already redefined the base URL in the config file.[*]I don't think I rewrote the .htaccess - but I'll certainly check. (This is a team project setup and I'll make sure no one else has done that.)[*]As requested, below is the HTML output by the form. The URL link for the form seems very odd to me because it doesn't mention the project name like I would expect. So there are two places for me to look now. Thanks!\[code\]<body><h1>Welcome!</h1><form action="http://localhost/index.php/welcome/save_genre" method="post"><label for="radio_genre">Radio Genre</label><input type="text" name="radio_genre" id="radio_genre"></input><input type="submit" name="submit" value="" /></form></body>\[/code\]EDIT: OK - I recreated the project myself and then brought my PHP files in and it works fine. So the person who created the project did something odd.