I am creating a model object like this: $object1 = new Object1(); There is a table in the database named object1s. The Object1 class is an empty class that extends DataMapper. That works without problems. I am able to save data, and retrieve data from the database (I can see it using a separate database client). I tried to same thing with another object (and a different table), for example, $object2 = new Object2(); This time I get the following error message:\[quote\] Fatal error: Call to a member function line() on a non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/c/application/libraries/Datamapper.php on line 6049\[/quote\]Line 6049 looks like this: \[quote\] return $this->lang->line($key);\[/quote\]When I instantiated Object1, $this->lang was set to an instance of DM_Lang at this point, but when instantiating the second object $this->lang is set to "en". The only difference between the two are the name and database table. What can I do to fix this? Why are they different? Where is $this->lang being set (I've already stepped through with a debugger and can't find it)?The database is MySQL. I'm running this for development purposes on MacOSX Lion. The web server is apache. I'm using DataMapper ORM v1.8.2. There was a comment requesting the exact code in question. This is the complete exact code I tested with (I copied and pasted from each file). Object1 is called Movie, models/movie.php:\[code\]<?phpclass Movie extends DataMapper {}\[/code\]Object 2 is called Image, models/image.php:\[code\]<?phpclass Image extends DataMapper {}\[/code\]The controller looks like this, controllers/test.php:\[code\]<?phpclass Test extends CI_Controller { public function newdata() { // The following line runs as expected $movie = new Movie(); // The following line fails with the Fatal error mentioned above $image = new Image(); }}\[/code\]I followed the installation instructions that came with DataMapper v1.8.2. My index.php file includes the following before loading the CodeIgniter bootstrap file. \[code\]/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * LOAD THE DATAMAPPER BOOTSTRAP FILE * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ require_once APPPATH.'third_party/datamapper/bootstrap.php';\[/code\]It works quite smoothly with the Movie object. I am able to write data to it and verify it is there using a separate SQL query tool. I just noticed that the "$image = ..." line runs with no errors if the "$movie = ..." line is commented out. I will, however, need both of them for my app to function properly. I am using CI_VERSION=2.1.0.Thank you for your help.