UPDATE: SOLVED! For the broken pages I simply made an admin controller. That has a function for each model now Happy days!Trying to house my admin function in the same controller as my front-end code. To do this I am setting up some custom routes so that admin can be accessed via:\[code\]/admin/controller/id // instead of /controller/admin/id/admin/controller/create // instead of /controller/create/admin/controller/detail/id // instead of /controller/detail/id/admin/controller/update/id // instead of /controller/update/id/admin/controller/delete/id // instead of /controller/delete/id\[/code\]My current routes work perfectly for detail, create, update, delete\[code\]$route['admin/any)/detail'] = "$1/detail"; // WORKS!!!$route['admin/any)/detail/num)'] = "$1/detail/$2"; // WORKS!!!$route['admin/any)/create'] = "$1/create"; // WORKS!!!$route['admin/any)/create/num)'] = "$1/create/$2"; // WORKS!!!$route['admin/any)/update'] = "$1/update"; // WORKS!!!$route['admin/any)/update/num)'] = "$1/update/$2"; // WORKS!!!$route['admin/any)/delete'] = "$1/delete"; // WORKS!!!$route['admin/any)/delete/num)'] = "$1/delete/$2"; // WORKS!!!\[/code\]HOWEVER I cannot get the admin page to work with an ID. I can reroute the index page, but will be unable to use pagination if I cannot pass the ID.\[code\]$route['admin/any)'] = "$1/admin"; // WORKS!!!$route['admin/any)/num)'] = "$1/admin/$2"; // EPIC FAIL 404's\[/code\]Can someone please help me solve this problem, or even suggest an alternative solution of application structure.