Codeigniter: 2 Apps with one central login screen


New Member
I am writing an application in CodeIgniter and I have concluded that it's best to write two applications. One for back office and one for client use.I would like to have just one login screen. It will be in the back office application but if a client user logs in then I want to redirect to the client app and create a session there. The database user table stores the user type i.e. client or admin.I have come up with the following solution. As I want to this the correct way I said i'd run it by you guys to see what ye think.-User logs into admin CI app.-Admin CI app verifies user and determines type. If admin then go ahead and create session etc.-If the user is a client then MD5(user_ip+timestamp OR make a secure token some other way) and store in a token field (user_table) in DB.-redirect the user to the client admin via a login page. The paramters would be the token and username. The login function would then go to that user in the database and verify the token.-On successfult authorization of token the CI client app would start a session and let the user in.This seems like a very long winded method. Ideally there would be a way to start a session for one CI app from another?Any ideas?Thanks..