Coded Links Still Live


New Member
Hi, I just imported an smf forum into vbulletin (3.8.1) and all the links, though still coded, show as live. Can anyone tell me how I can fix this?

They are probably coded like this:
[CODE ][ URL="http;//"]http;//[/URL ][/CODE ]
(without the spaces), so you need to remove the [url ] code blocks

This will be a very tedious task I would suggest installing an anonymizer mod instead, this will make all live links redirect when clicked so your site will not be the refferer...

search for "anonymizer" theres a few on here
Damn, you're right, hadn't noticed it before. You're probably right about going with the anonymizer, but it sucks, because the posts are all gonna look messed up. For some reason, the first link in all the posts is correct, but those after it all are bracketed with 'url.' Nothing I can do about it without editing every single topic?