Code Wanted for "f11"


I'm sure all of you have increased the area of your MS IE browser by reducing the upper part of the screen to only one line by hitting the f-11 key and then hitting it again to change it back. I would like to do this with code in HTML.<br />
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I do not create web pages, but I like to use the browser as a user friendly and simplified front end to Windows. I would like to begin by calling the browser and setting it into the "f-11" mode. This gives me a full screen and prevents the inexperienced user from getting access to other things.<br />
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If you happen to know what the code is please post it here or contact me at:<br />
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<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />
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Thanks in advance<br />
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Franklin<!--content-->I like to use the browser as a user friendly and simplified front end to Windows. I would like to begin by calling the browser and setting it into the "f-11" mode. This gives me a full screen and prevents the inexperienced user from getting access to other things <br />
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You should probably be using Opera or a Mozilla (ie Gecko XUL) browser in Kiosk mode.<br />
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Look here eg<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks Stephan, I'll take a look there.<br />
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