Code review / Commit review. Looking for process and tool feedback

Tamraght Net

New Member
Let me start by describing what our current 'process' is and then ask you how we should improve on it and what, if any, tools you would suggest.What we are doing currentlyEvery time someone makes a commit to our svn (or pushes git changes into 'trunk') it ends up in an email in one persons inbox. That person is responsible for glancing over the diff and, if need be, suggest changes / improvements.This worked pretty well for raising code quality and providing feedback without 'review requests' (those are a different topic and those work pretty well for now).The ProblemWe are approaching 50 commits/pushes a day with > 15 developers and reviewing the diffs isn't really practical anymore, especially via 'clicking a link in an email and looking at the diff in a browser'.If one person doing the reviews is on vacation that stuff also tends to pile up and there is lots of (imho) useless 'did you check 12345 - 12390 already ?' communication needed when multiple people are working that way.Questions (finally)
  • Do you think the described process is workable ? (The Team likes it and we want to keep it if it stays - manageable)
  • Are there tools available that could help with that process (on commit automatically create a entry somewhere and everyone can check that as 'reviewed' without any notification, or something, really looking for ideas here ;) )
  • Is this process scalable or will there be the need to dump 'looking at every chance' and move over to some bigger/longer reviews of finished components ?
I hope i made myself clear enough and this qualifies as "answerable question". If i missed something please let me know.Short summary of what i'm not looking for:
  • Software that allows people to make "review requests" by hand. (While a review board with an api that i could use to automatically create requests would be an option (?) )
  • Maybe not so much: Tools from Atlassian (since they are pretty expensive they would need to offer a great benefit i've overlooked so far, but paying high 5 digit figurers a year will be hard to get trough management so it really has to be worth it)