Can somone help me. I am a newbie. I need this code to remember the balance and also it will not add it just puts the numbers next to each other please help.
<script type="text/javascript">
var choice
var balance = 0
var temp = balance
while (choice!="x") {
var choice =(prompt("Enter D to Deposit W to Withdraw B For Balance X to Exit: ",""))
if (choice=="d")
var amount =(prompt("Enter the Deposit Amount: ",""))
document.write("<p>The balance after deposit is:",temp+amount)
else if (choice=="w")
var amount =(prompt("Enter the amount to withdraw: ",""))
document.write("<p>The balance after withdrawing is:",temp-amount)
else if (choice=="b")
document.write("<p>Your Balanance is:",temp)
document.write("<P>Thank You Please Come Again!")
<script type="text/javascript">
var choice
var balance = 0
var temp = balance
while (choice!="x") {
var choice =(prompt("Enter D to Deposit W to Withdraw B For Balance X to Exit: ",""))
if (choice=="d")
var amount =(prompt("Enter the Deposit Amount: ",""))
document.write("<p>The balance after deposit is:",temp+amount)
else if (choice=="w")
var amount =(prompt("Enter the amount to withdraw: ",""))
document.write("<p>The balance after withdrawing is:",temp-amount)
else if (choice=="b")
document.write("<p>Your Balanance is:",temp)
document.write("<P>Thank You Please Come Again!")