code checker, anyone?......


i need to get this to work in netscape.....<br />
can somebody help me?....<br />
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</HTML><!--content-->Hmm I have no idea lol :( Can you tell where you got the code from? If you had left the credits, I might've been able to go to the site to check it out ;) Another option is to try another script which will do what you want.<!--content-->There are several different scripts on this page, which part is not working and what is the error/result? It may also pay to post your url so it can be viewed.<br />
Thanks<!--content-->well....nevermind, i guess.... i'm working on this site for this SCHMUCK.... and he won't just let me have control, and he insists on using frontpage to edit it himself if he wants to make a change. so, I've got all this extra unorganized code when i get the file back...blah blah blah.....and i can just see him squirm every time he has to ask me for help.... and npw he's gone and put up the old files on his web site.... so long story short.... i can't give you a url...... thanks for the help though.....<!--content-->