can we trust VS.NET? I am really confused whether or not to use VS.NET as my editor. I have always used notepad as my editor but VS.NET makes everything really easy for us. I'm really impressed and surprised the way we could quickly create applications using VS.NET rather than using notepad or other editor. Are there any performance issues when we use VS.NET? for example:<BR><BR>VS.NET creates this way:<BR> Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load<BR> 'code goes here<BR> End Sub<BR><BR>I would hardcode it this way:<BR><BR>Private Sub Page_Load(source as Object, E as EventArgs)<BR>'code goes here<BR>End Sub<BR><BR>VS.NET creates this way:<BR><BR>#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "<BR><BR> 'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.<BR> <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()<BR><BR> End Sub<BR><BR> Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init<BR> 'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer<BR> 'Do not modify it using the code editor.<BR> InitializeComponent()<BR> End Sub<BR><BR>#End Region<BR><BR>I dont create those.<BR><BR>VS.NET creates this way:<BR><BR> Protected WithEvents TextBox1 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox<BR> Protected WithEvents Button1 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button<BR><BR>I do it this way:<BR><BR>Public TextBox1 as TextBox<BR>Public Button1 as Button<BR><BR>the size of the codebehind generated by the VS.NET is more, mine is less. could there be any performance issue in this? <BR><BR>I know VS.NET makes our life very very easy, but do we have any hidden issues to pay when we use VS.NET? CAN WE REALLY TRUST VS.NET? I may sound crazy but the truth is I'm so surprised and shocked that development using VS.NET is so easy then any other editors.I'm inclined to agree with you. Did you ever use VID? I only used it once. I made a grid that displayed a recordset and alternated the row colors. I was SHOCKED at how many include files with TONS of code it added, when I could hand code the same thing in 10 lines of code. Never used VID since except as a pure text editor. It really doesn't seem anywhere near as bad with VS.NET, but I'm already getting annoyed at things that muss up my design interface. I see myself writing prelim code in VS.NET then completely redoing layout and design in Dreamweaver or by hand, then compiling at the command line. VS.NET is going to make things easier, yes, but I doubt it will be the only editor I use.Any suggestions on this topic please?I have used Visual InterDev only as an Editor and nothing much. VS.NET could be much flexible then VID but I'm not convinced to Trust Microsoft in this one and need to get others decision in this one.No difference in system.web.ui.textbox and just using textbox. Its all compiled and when its compiled it uses the same thing. I would like to use for the editor. If it has the a autocomplete syntax on all the .net framework then I will defenitly be using it. I doubt much of a performance hit will happen unless it generates alot of code that hurts peformance which I doubt it does. already has tons of things that it has to do. Little things produced by really wont hurt the performance its things like having tons of controls on one page or a lame database design. And even this would require alot of hits to be a real performance problem. If your expecting alot of hits then should be more concerned about database design and using a minimum amount of controls or more lightweight controls to conserve resources.Do remember, however, that ASPX files are *compiled* before they are used, meaning that it doesn't really matter how many include files you have - they're only read once, at that's at compile time.<BR><BR>VS.Net is a great editor if you use it correctly. You don't *HAVE* to use the fancy-smanchy auto-code-generation tools. The code completion and auto-indenting etc. features work great too, even when you hand-code <BR>