I'm using the Code Behind features which work fine for asp contols etc.<BR><BR>Problem: if I make my own function I get an error when I try to call it from the aspx page. <BR><BR>Error: The name 'MyFunctionTest' is not declared.<BR><BR>How can I get my aspx file to see my custom function in the Code Behind .vb file?<BR>Why are you having the .aspx page call a function in the code-behind page? The purpose of using code-behind is to fully separate code and content, so that the .aspx page does nothing but display Web controls, while the code-behind page does the coding...??? Perhaps I am not understanding your question?Good point. I'm just starting so maybe my ideas are weird.<BR>I intended to FULLY separate the code and content, but I still need to call my function from the .aspx file. right? Is there another way to call my function?<BR><BR>Here's an example of what I wanted to do. <BR><BR>The problem is that DisplayData() is not recogonized when I place it in the .aspx.vb file.<BR><BR>thanks for your help!!!<BR><BR>(.aspx file)<BR>------------------<BR><html> <BR><%DisplayData()%><BR></html><BR><BR>(.aspx.vb code behind feature)<BR>-------------------------------------<BR>function DisplayData()<BR> '... this function just prints data <BR><BR>end function<BR>You don't ever want to do that in an ASP.NET Web page. You are kind of blowing past the usefulness of code behind. In your .aspx Web page you have Web controls:<BR><BR><html><BR><body><BR> <form runat="server"><BR> <asp:label id="txtTitle" runat="server" /><BR> Enter your name: <asp:textbox runat="server" id="txtName" /><BR> </form><BR></body><BR></html><BR><BR>or whatever. In your code behind page you have the code to send the output, read the input, etc. from those Web controls. What you don't want to do is what you've suggested above, where the .aspx page does nothing but dump the output of some function. Furthermore, you shouldn't do that anyhow with ASP.NET, if you had to do something like that, you'd make a label control and have your Page_Load event handler set the Text property of the control.<BR><BR>There are very radical changes from ASP to ASP.NET. I highly recommend that you pick up a book to help illustrate these massive differences in code style and technique. I have taught a number of classes on ASP.NET, and my students all say the same thing: "THis is so incredibly different than classic ASP." And it is. For the better.<BR><BR>Let me recommend that you pick up Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days:<BR>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672321688/4guysfromrollaco<BR><BR>You can even read a free sample chapter here:<BR>http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/chapters/TYASPNET21/<BR><BR>Happy Programming!Got it! Thanks! <eop><% %> arent compiled in asp.net. They are rendered like classic asp was. the <script runat="server"> tags are code declaration blocks and are compiled. One thing to consider. It still may be usefull to use <% %> in some very rare cases but pretty much no dont use them. Kinda like session variables. hehe. <BR>Like scott said.. Read read read read. Dont miss any information. Asp.net has some radical but very good changes that you dont want to miss out on.