I want to copy all \[code\]:hover\[/code\] classes into \[code\].hoverid\[/code\] classes where \[code\]id\[/code\] is the index of the element (or any other way to create unqiue hover classes names).So, my idea was somehow to iterate through all elements on the page which have a \[code\]:hover\[/code\] defined and clone that class into \[code\].hoverid\[/code\]. This way I could trigger the hover effect on any element I want like this:\[code\]$('#element').addClass('hover'+$(this).id);\[/code\]So my question(s) actually are: [*]How to iterate through elements which have a ":hover" defined? [*]How to clone that class into another class?Fiddle to try your solutions: http://jsfiddle.net/kLt2P/