New Member
OK so we know google doesn't like cloaking fake content... and we know google doesn't like using 'SEO techniques' on your pages... would google have a problem with you cloaking your SEO techniques from google? It's easy to pick up when googlebot comes to visit (at least for me ) and turn SEO techniques that the other engines find acceptable but that may trigger a google 'filter'... but then if google had a non-googlebot spider go to the page to check for SEO/redirect/cloaking/etc the page would look different even tho the reason it looks different is it was trying to not present anything google doesn't like to it to comply w/ google's rules....lol. Wow, you have put a lot of thought into that. Why not just learn to work with Google and not against them?you present a valid point.google filter isnt perfect anyway, there are exceptions when some sites have infringed the google guidelines But still existing in google index.ultimately, yr competitors may be able to see yr spam techniques and from there, you are basically at the mercy of yr competitors... cuz they are gonna complain.... that is if you are spamming yr pages.... If I understand your point correctly, it is