Clip share 4.1.4 + Watermarking Mods


New Member


Search Engine Friendly URLs

Multi-Language System

Language Files

Over 21 Language Packs

Multi-Server Support (Plugin)
Embed videos (manually) from other websites

Automatically grab videos from Youtube (Plugin)

Improved Speed & Security

UTF-8 character support in titles, descriptions, tags, etc

Recently Viewed Videos Carousel

More Advertisement Blocks

Improved Graphics / Template New

Display recently viewed videos

Show last 5 Online Users (On/Off)

Polling question (On/Off)

Display Recent / Popular Tags

Cloud Tags New

Ability to invite friends to signup for an account and share videos

PayPal integrated billing system and members can have the option to select the membership packages during registration

Search for videos, users and groups

View member stats - number of videos uploaded, space/bandwidth used, total number of friends, new messages, number of times videos have been viewed

Display videos uploaded and the video details such as tags, runtime, total views, number of comments, status and video link

Ability to remove uploaded videos and edit current video file details such as video title, description, video channels, set video as public/private, enable or disable comments/ratings/embed video

Edit personal profile

Upload Profile Avatar (Photo)

View/rate other member's profile and each user can also subscribe to the member's video

View video playlist and favorite videos

RSS Feeds
Offer several RSS feeds for categorized groups of videos (most recent, top rated, most discussed, etc).

Advanced Statistics New
Show different website stats like: total public videos, total private videos, total members, total online members, etc

Captcha (Signup Image Verification) New

Show Member Profile Views New

Community Members (with or without photo) New

Index Page Login Form New

Video Upload / Conversion

Step-by-step video upload for quick and easy uploading of videos

Each video upload will have a video URL (Permalink) and a embeddable player HTML source code for users to put the video into web pages or MySpace/Friendster profiles

Upload Progress Bar
Getting bored while uploading big files? Then you need this. Live progress bar with several statistics like: Percent, File Size, Downloaded KBytes, Elapsed Time, Estimated Time Left, Estimated Speed (KB/sec).

Background Process Video Conversion
Video Conversion can now be performed in a background server process. After a successful upload, the member doesn't have to wait (loading the page) until the conversion process is finished; he is instantly redirected to a Success page, while the video is converted in the background, and will become available on the website when ready. This solves many timeout problems experienced while uploading/converting big files.

Config: Auto Delete Original Video On/Off

Config: Video Conversion Settings
Configure different conversion related settings: video resample, resample width & height, sound quality (rate), video bitrate, delete original videos, etc.

Video Conversion from over 20 video formats to Flash Video

Internal Messaging System

Compose new messages just like any ordinary emails and send them to the member's network of friends

View inbox/outbox messages

Delete messages

Watch Videos / Video Page

New embeddable player

Related / User videos tabbed menu

Select thumbnail on video edit page

ClipShare offers 2 view types: Basic View and Detail View

Web 2.0 Style Video Page Numbering New

Display most recently uploaded videos

Display most discussed videos

Display top favorites videos

Display top rated videos

Display recently featured videos

Display random videos

Write Comments (Ajax)

Member Avatar next to his comment New

Rate Video (Ajax)

Add to favorites

Flag Video (Inappropriate / Featured)

Download Video (can be turned on/off from config) New

Display Related Videos on the right side

Copy+Paste Perma-Link and Embeddable Code

Member can delete any comment on his own videos

Add to Social Bookmarks New
(, digg, tehnorati, etc)

Basic Flash Player (play, pause, buffering, fullscreen, logo)

Advanced Flash Player (play, pause, smooth rewind, buffering, fullscreen, logo, share video, related videos playlist, watch again) New


Display all channels and the total number of videos and groups in each channel

Each channel will display video listings according to recently added and most watched video

Display most active users in each channel

Display All Videos in a Channel

Channel Cloud Tags New


Display member's group

Browse groups by: Featured, Recently Added, Most Members, Most Videos and Most Topics

Members can create a new group and choose a unique group URL. Group owner can set the group type: Public, anyone can join. Protected, requires founder approval to join. Private, by founder invite only, only members can view group detail

Group owner can edit group settings such as pre-approved video uploads, forum posting and set group icon

Build-in forum module in each group for members with common interest to interactive with each other and the ability to reply to a post

View each group detail such as members, videos, group owner and group topics

Group members can add videos to group and invite members to join the group


Ability to sort contacts by name or date added

Display all friends or by contact list

Members can create new contact list

Add/remove friends in the contact list

View friends' videos and favorite videos lists

Administrative / Config Features

Brand new Administration Panel, completely rewritten

More system settings

Enable/disable features

System check

Mail configuration

Modules configuration (enable/disable menu items)

Advanced video conversion configuration

Member permission settings

Ban System

Edit system email templates

Advanced video management (searching, sorting, etc)

Advanced member management (searching, sorting, etc)

Advanced group management (searching, sorting, etc)

Advanced video edit (change thumbnail, thumbnail generation, change views, rating)

Approve Videos
The administrator(s) can now choose to Approve Videos before they appear on the website. This function can be turned on or off.

Protect Templates New
Prevents unauthorized download of your website template and images

Video Conversion Configuration
Configure different conversion related settings: video resample, resample width & height, sound quality (rate), video bitrate, delete original videos, etc.

User Management

Display all members or by status (active/inactive)
Option to sort member by listing ID, Name, Country or Last login
Edit/delete/ member profile
Mass mail or send email to each individual member
Built-in advance WYSIWYG editor for sending HTML email messages
Search members by username or user ID
Video Management

Display all videos uploaded or by video types (public/private)
Sort video listings by ID, title, Duration, Featured or Date uploaded
Edit/delete videos uploaded by members
Display videos that are flagged by viewers as inappropriate and admin can delete video or remove the inappropriate request
Display videos that are requested by viewers to set as featured and admin can have the option to set video as featured listing or remove the request
Search videos by video ID
Channel Management

Display all channels created and the videos and member group details in each channel
Sort channel listing by ID or name
Add/edit/delete channels
Search for channels by ID or channel name
Groups Management

Display all groups or by status (public/private/protected)
Display group details such as owner contact, total video uploaded, members and group topics
Admin can view group topic details such as topic title, dated created, author, number of posts and approval status
Set a group as featured
Ability to moderate group topics
Ability to edit/delete groups
Search for groups by ID or group name
Ability to send an email to select group
Site Settings

System Configuration
Ability to edit system settings such as site name, admin email, admin user/pass, listing per page, service type, enable/disable the display of last 5 users, enable/disable polling and configure paypal settings
Edit static pages such as About Us, Help and Terms of Use using HTML
Miscellaneous Settings - ability to set video/polling to be rated once or unlimited rating per user
Reset all member's bandwidth
Email Settings
View/edit/delete system email messages. Admin also has the ability to insert email variables into the messages
Sort email messages by ID or Email subject
Ability to add new system email messages
Package Settings
View/edit/delete membership packages
Admin can add unlimited packages and set the package details such as package name, descriptions, space, bandwidth, price, max video upload and subscription period
Advertiser Plug-in
View all advertising zones
Ability to edit advertising zones using HTML. Integrate Google AdSense and Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) at a click of a mouse
Admin can enable/disable each advertising zone
Poll Plug-in
View all poll questions and the voting results
Delete existing poll questions
Add new poll and admin can set the poll duration, poll question and the number of answers

Demo (client): Link
Demo (admin) : Link
Download: Hotfile