click to change image


I'm very new at this, so bear with me if I don't provide complete information relative to my question.<br />
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In short, I'd like to allow the viewer to click a link below a picture and have new pictures presented to the viewer.<br />
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I've seen this done and a copy of code that allows this is presented here: <br />
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<td width=301 valign=top><IMG SRC="/images/home_pics/image7/index_10.jpg"" WIDTH=301 HEIGHT=300><br><IMG SRC="/images/index_28.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=20><a href="?p=8"><IMG SRC="/images/index_29.gif" WIDTH=278 HEIGHT=20 border=0></a></td><br />
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The pictures are presented in a table cell with a 301 X 300 pixels. Below the picture is a 23 X 20 icon and to the right of the icon is the (278 X 20) link prompting the user to "click" to change images.<br />
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I'm guessing that "?p=8" is a short (hidden) program that flips the pictures in index_10.jpg and I had picture 8 (image 7) on my screen when I copied the above code. <br />
Am I right?<br />
Can you help me with code that will allow "x" nuber of images to be presented in a cell?<br />
Will the page load based on the time it takes for the fisrt image to load or will multiple images slow the page's loading time?<br />
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Thanks for any help you might have.<br />
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