Clear absolutely positioned elements with CSS possible?


New Member
Is there any way to clear absolutely positioned elements with CSS? I'm creating a page where I need each part of the site (section element) to be absolutely positioned, and I want to apply a footer with content below those elements.
Tried to relatively position the header and footer to see if a total height would be taken into account but the footer still gets "trapped" underneath the section elements. Any ideas?\[code\]<header style="position: relative;"></header><div id="content" style="position: relative;"> <section id="a" style="position: absolute;"></section> <section id="b" style="position: absolute;"></section> <section id="c" style="position: absolute;"></section> <section id="d" style="position: absolute;"></section> <section id="e" style="position: absolute;"></section></div><footer style="position: relative;"></footer>\[/code\]