ClassOf1 Online Tutoring Affiliate Program


The Class of 1 affiliate program is one of the top lead generating programs online! Your qualified leads from persons interested in taking online tutoring classes at Class of 1 will result in high commissions for you. You can earn between $3.00 and $7.00 for every qualified lead. Class of 1's affiliate program is managed by KUE Digital Inc under the direction of Heather Paulson and is hosted on Commission Junction, the top affiliate network!

The Class of 1 affiliate program is perfect for educational sites, sites geared towards online education and learning or for sites targeting parents and families interested in obtaining online tutoring for their K-12 students or College students. Additional target audiences would be College students or sites that promote products to this demographic.

Class of 1 Online Tutoring Affiliate Program Monthly Lead Tiers

Tier 1 : You generate 0 - 200 Leads per month and you get paid $3.00 per qualified lead
Tier 2 : You generate 201 - 500 Leads per month and you get paid $5.00 per qualified lead
Tier 3 : You generate 501 - 1000 Leads per month and you get paid $7.00 per qualified lead

What is a qualified lead for Class of 1 online tutoring?

1.Lead must have requested the information from Class of 1(Our call center will verify)
2.Visitor must complete all steps with valid information and successfully submit the form with:
a.Valid name
b.Valid street address, city, state and zip code
c.Valid home phone
d.Valid e-mail address

Affiliates can participate in Paid Search bidding!

We encourage affiliates to bid in paid search first and second tier engines for US and Canadian consumers interested in online tutoring with Class of 1. Brand terms are prohibited, however we do have a comprehensive keyword list is available for you here as an attachment.

1. Please do not bid on brand terms
2. SEO is fine hit just not with brand terms in <meta> content please
3. Class Of 1 Affiliate Keyword List Is Here

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Currently the Class of 1 site is converting on many of these terms above 8% conversion, we are sure if you market in Canada and the USA for these terms in first and second tier engines you will see good results. We suggest that you segment this list to ad group specific types to ensure quality conformance to the auction based paid search systems of Google and Yahoo (Panama) If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Class of 1 affiliate team at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->