Classic ASP virtual includes


New Member
Lets suppose I have the following file structure, the top 4 of which are virtual dirs:\[code\]1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8\[/code\]Is it possible, from a file in directory 8, to include a file in directory 4, using something like the following?\[code\]<!-- #include virtual="/4/5/6/a.asp" -->\[/code\]Note that I don't have 8 levels of directories - I actually only have 3 in the format /ab/abCore/includes.asp, /ab/ab123/default.asp, /ab/ab123/ajax/ab.asp, /ab/ab123/actions/create.asp (may have more levels shortly) and would like to use the same includes in both default.asp and create.asp. The only way I can find is to use 'file' with '../' one or more times. ab is a virtual directory but abCore and ab123 are not. I need to reference virtual dir 'ab' from any files within any directories within this directory. I am just using 8 in my example merely to explain my situation better. Note that I have full control over IIS, defining which directories are virtual and so on.If this is not very clear then please say (rather than downvoting) and I will try to rephrase.