Classic ASP VBScript return PC name issue


New Member
I have a vbscript that when it runs returns what I am looking for - the client PC name\[code\]<script language="vbscript"> <!-- Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") NAME= objNetwork.computername document.write(NAME)//--> </script> \[/code\]When I run the following I get the server name:\[code\]<% Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") strNAME = objNetwork.computername response.write("Value of strNAME variable: " & strNAME & "<br>")%>\[/code\]I need the actual PC name that the VBScript returns, and I need to insert that into a form. Using the ASP I can do the fill of the form but it gives me the server name and I need the VBScript PC Client name. I can not figure out how to get the VBScript name into the ASP form.