Classic ASP Session and jQuery in IE


New Member
I'm writing a control panel for users in my project, I have a \[code\]DIV\[/code\] element and load user situation in that with \[code\]$('.user-situation').load('userpanel.asp')\[/code\].I have a modal login form and it send data to authenticate page in json:\[code\]$.getJSON("authenticate.asp?U=u.val()"+"&P=p.val()"+"&format=json&jsoncallback=?", function(data){ if(data.Status == "Successful"){ $('.user-situation').load('userpanel.asp'); }});\[/code\]in authenticate page i set some session and one of them is \[code\]Session("ID")\[/code\]As you can see i reload the userpanel.asp in my div after successful login, because i want to show user options there.userpanel.asp code is like this ( simplified )\[code\]if Session("ID")= "" then Response.Write ("You must log in to using of site options")else Response.Write (" some options write here ")end if\[/code\]this works perfectly in FF and Chrome and OperaBut in IE (9) when page refresh after successful login, userpanel.asp show me first condition result!!why?! where is my fault?!