I'm not really an ASP developer, so a little bit lost.I have the following data access code:\[code\]sSQL = "SELECT answer_id, company_name, old_access_company_name, answer, flag_asker_notified FROM Q01_ask_sheiiba_answer_company2 WHERE question_id="& sQuestion_id &" ORDER BY answer_id"rs.open sSQL, conn DO WHILE NOT rs.EOF Response.Write(rs.Fields("answer")) rs.MoveNextLOOP\[/code\]I have tested that the sql query is built properly by outputting it to the response before it is called. It produces the following query:\[code\]SELECT answer_id, company_name, old_access_company_name, answer, flag_asker_notified FROM Q01_ask_sheiiba_answer_company2 WHERE question_id=988 ORDER BY answer_id\[/code\]When I copy that exact query to sql management studio and run it I get the expected results of 5 rows and each row containing data in every cell, BUT, when I run it through the above code, I get the same 5 rows with the same cell data, EXCEPT for the \[code\]answer\[/code\] column, which is empty!What am I missing?Thanks