I've just installed the ASP.NET distribution, and my old ASP pages no longer run.<BR><BR>I've read that ASP.NET is not backward compatible with ASP 3, yet at the same time I have also read that classic ASP pages can be run under ASP.NET.<BR><BR>I've checked my WINNT directory, the ASP.DLL file (needed for classic ASP) is there, so theoretically it should still work.<BR><BR>Has anyone sorted it out?Have you restarted the server? I had to do that before everything worked right. What error are you getting?Hi Matthew, <BR><BR>If you're using COM objects in your classic pages, you'll need to set the aspcompat attribute of the page directive to true. If you do this you'll lose .net multithreading capabilities, but it'll run your classic components. If you're not getting ANY classic pages to run, we'd have to see the error.<BR><BR>])ryI'm not getting any errors, it's just that when it starts accessing the page, it goes into a non-fatal endless loop.Have you restarted the server? And tried different files?