Classic ASP - Looping thru XML to display Elements and Attributes


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Some elements have attributes (ID, NAme, Topic) while others do not.Trying to figure out how to display each element, and if it has attributes then display them too. I would like the end result to look like this.-- DESIRED LAYOUT --\[code\] GUIDE SPECS Product: 1721 Release: B132 Name: OUTDOOR SERIES DAT Comp: X02 DAT Min Ver: 890 PARAMETERS ID: 80000 NAME: PRODUCT NAME Topic: Reference Data Desc: 6-character ASCII Notes: Unique id used to identify product. Units: None MaxLength: 6 MinValue: 000001 MaxValue: 200000 Help: Rules: No Duplicates ID: 80010 NAME: STORE IDENTIFICATION Topic: Reference Data Desc: 4-character ASCII Notes: Unique id used to identify store. Units: None MaxLength: 4 MinValue: 0001 MaxValue: 9000 Help: Rules: No Duplicates\[/code\]-- EXAMPLE XML --\[code\]<ProgrammingGuide Label="J13200012" Version="003" XmlCompatibility="1"> <Product Label="B">1721</Product> <Release Label="B132">B132</Release> <Name>OUTDOOR SERIES</Name> <VCP-MinVersion>1</VCP-MinVersion> <DAT-Compatibility>X02</DAT-Compatibility> <DAT-MinVersion>890</DAT-MinVersion> <Configuration> <Parameter ID="80000" Name="PRODUCT NAME" Topic="Reference Data" TopicOrder="1"> <ParameterDescription>6-character ASCII</ParameterDescription> <ParameterNotes>Unique id used to identify product.</ParameterNotes> <ParameterAttributes Units="None" MaxLength="6" MinValue="" MaxValue="" /> <ParameterHelp>No Duplicates</ParameterHelp> <ParameterRuleText /> </Parameter> <Parameter ID="80010" Name="STORE IDENTIFICATION" Topic="Reference Data" TopicOrder="1"> <ParameterDescription>4-character ASCII</ParameterDescription> <ParameterNotes>Unique id used to identify store</ParameterNotes> <ParameterAttributes Units="None" MaxLength="4" MinValue="" MaxValue="" /> <ParameterHelp>No Duplicates</ParameterHelp> <ParameterRuleText /> </Parameter> </Configuration></ProgrammingGuide>\[/code\]-- CODE (for the Parameters) --\[code\]set ElemParameter = objxml.getElementsByTagName("Parameter")set ElemDesc = objxml.getElementsByTagName("ParameterDescription")set ElemNotes = objxml.getElementsByTagName("ParameterNotes")For i = 0 To (ElemParameter.length -1) If objxml.documentelement.childnodes.length > 0 Then For Each oNode In objxml.SelectNodes("/ProgrammingGuide/Configuration/Parameter") sID = oNode.GetAttribute("ID") sName = oNode.GetAttribute("Name") sTopic = oNode.GetAttribute("Topic") Response.Write "Parameter ID = "& sID &"<BR>" Response.Write "Parameter Name = "& sName &"<BR>" Response.Write "Parameter Topic = "& sTopic &"<BR><BR>" Next For Each oNode In objxml.SelectNodes("/ProgrammingGuide/Configuration/ParameterAttributes") sUnits = oNode.GetAttribute("Units") sMinVal = oNode.GetAttribute("MinValue") sMaxVal = oNode.GetAttribute("MaxValue") Response.Write "Units = "& sUnits &"<BR>" Response.Write "Min Value = " sMinVal &"<BR>" Response.Write "Max Value = " sMaxVal &"<BR>" Next End If Response.Write "Parameter Desc = " Response.Write(ElemDesc.item(i).Text) & "<br>" Response.Write "Parameter Notes = " Response.Write(ElemNotes.item(i).Text) & "<br><BR>" Next\[/code\]