Classic ASP debug not working when a file is included


New Member
in my include folder I have the file SqlOperations.asp\[code\]<% Option Explicit Function CheckSqlConnection() Dim sqlConnection, connString connString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False; uid=sa; pwd=123456789;Initial Catalog=UserDatabase;Data Source=lakpa-pc" Err.Clear On Error Resume Next SET sqlConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") sqlConnection.Open connString If Err.Number <> 0 Then CheckSqlConnection = false End If CheckSqlConnection = sqlConnection On Error Goto 0 End Function Function ExecuteNonQuery(sqlQuery) Dim checkSql, sqlCmd checkSql = CheckSqlConnection If checkSql == False Then Response.Write("Please check your connection string <br/>" & vbCrlf) Response.End ExecutenonQuery = False Exit Function End If checkSql.Execute(sqlQuery) ExecuteNonQuery = True End Function %>\[/code\]then when I call it from UserInformation.asp which is in root folder \[code\]<!--#include file="include/SqlOperations.asp" --><% OPTION EXPLICIT dim fName, mName, lName,age,address,postCode,telephone, queryVal fName = Request.Form("fName") mName = Request.Form("mName") lName = Request.Form("lName") age = Request.Form("age") address= Request.Form("address") postCode = Request.Form("postCode") telephone = Request.Form("telephone") if fName <>"" then queryVal = "INSERT INTO UserInfo(FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, age, Address, PostCode, Telephone) VALUES('" + fName +"','" + mName+"','" + lName+"','" + age +"','" + address +"','" + postCode +"','" + telephone +"')" ExecuteNonQuery queryVal end if %>\[/code\]The Debug isn't working. But If I remove the include line then the debug works and I get the error \[code\]Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Variable is undefined: 'ExecuteNonQuery\[/code\]I just don't understand it. I am new to ASP classic. Can any one tell me the reason why its happening.