Classic ASP cannot execute stored procedure

I can execute the query in SQL Management Studio successfully. ASP code throws an error.\[code\] Response.Write "<hr>" & sql & "<hr>" conn3.Execute sql\[/code\]ASP Error:\[quote\] Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hata '80040e07' Error converting data type varchar to smalldatetime.\[/quote\]SQL query:\[code\]exec db.dbo.stored_proc1 @artID='6226', @Odeme_Date='3-27-2013 15:47:24', @Odeme_Valor ='3-27-2013', @OnceAnapara=0, @GecZamHemen= 1, @ODENEN_TUTAR = '263.69' , @Odeme_Tip=3, @BankID=62, @MakbuzTanimID=45, @BilinmeyenID=NULL, @CariAvansID=NULL, @USERID=62, @MakbuzNO=NULL, @SelectedID='(817843)', @Mesaj=NULL, @idleriGosterme=0, @CariCekID=NULL, @CariSenetID=NULL\[/code\]I can copy & paste the query then execute it successfully. What's wrong with ASP?